Saturday, November 8, 2008

screen shots from So Simple 2


Anonymous said...

How do you do these photos in such format?

Please advise on the website or software.

Anonymous said...

hi, anonymous, did you mean the photo layout or how i got the photos? if you're refering to the layout, it's simple if you have photoshop, set the size and just paste and arrange the photos. Leave spacing between photos n make the background black n you're good to go. Nothing very special. As for the photos, they're actually singular still frames grabbed from dvds, if you have dvd viewing program that allows u to grab still frames.

Anonymous said...

期待你第三季的简单就是美哦 c",)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

是“媲美”, 不是“批美”。。。不好意思,字打得太快。

Anonymous said...

where can buy the material to create the "my DIY book"?

Anonymous said...

About the "DIY", there are plenty of shops out there selling nice papers - try Wheelock, Plaza Sing, NAC, Daiso.