Tuesday, June 9, 2009

As I was catching up on the repeat of So Simple 2 every Sunday, it dawned on me that a really satisfying production was when the script, the visual, the host, the stories and the music, all seemed like they were made for one another.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

So Simple 2 Repeat Telecast

So Simple 2 repeat telecast, every Sunday 11.30am

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Peifen is nominated for Star Awards 2009!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Last week, in 食尚玩家 (a Taiwanese food show on Ch 54), host 莎莎 introduced 三芝,an outskirt a short distance from Taipei city. A place we also featured in So Simple 2 (pictures above). We totally recommend it to anyone who'd love to check it out. It's a simple place with non-fancy beaches and friendly neighborhood cafes and eateries.
"三芝的好山好水,在現代環境裡,是珍貴的寶藏。而這塊土地的居民,對土地的殷切,對大海的憧憬,有著最原始的情感,從在地人的眼睛裡,對源流的熱情,對自然得仰賴,反照出外地人對故土的情懷。希望您帶著童年的心情,來到這裡,不只如此,並且發現您家鄉裡的寶藏。" http://www.sanchih.tpc.gov.tw/tourism/index.html"