This picture of the train station in 高尾山 (featured in episode 6) reminds me of a very funny incident. We were outside a MacDonald's waiting for our translator when our cameraman, Goh, who had just "patronised" its washroom, excitedly announced a hard-to-believe discovery: "The toilet in MacDonald's could tell if you're a male/female!" Everyone gasped. One of us curiously walked into the toilet and shut the door and true enough, the "female" light above it lit up. "Aiya, the counter staff must have pressed a button." Some silly voice declared, with a tone lacking in self-defence. Was that me? The rest of us somehow believe Japanese are capable of all kinds of gimmicks, so we ignored that wimpy remark. Just then, our translator arrived and the first thing we asked her was "How did you guys do it?". She returned us a look even more astonished than ours. Keiko-san followed us into the fastfood store and watched with great anticipation as we sent our only male species to demonstrate the world's smartest washroom! Goh walked in, stayed 2 seconds and stepped out. The "female" light lit up. A few more takes but he remained a "female" Gasp!.......... "Look carefully at the lights, there is another one that says "male" and it is defective!" It was a smarter voice and it belonged to Peifen. She's right, there were 2 lights and the male one simply wasn't working. So only the female one would lit up. In other words, both lights would lit up no matter if it's a male or female patron. Well, that's the So Simple team in demonstration of how simple we folks are.
hahahaha...it's still funny hearing it again...
I think it's funny too...and the way u described it!
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